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Ancient Alien Corpses, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked

Ancient Alien Corpses, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
Featuring what happens when a PR spin goes very, very wrong.
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Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit. Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked.

This week, we've got celeb breakup news, ancient alien corpses that are definitely real and some guys who share just one identical outfit.

3. SEC school boys

The Meme

A TikTok went viral on after it showed a line of kids walking through a door, into a building, in some kind of fraternity situation. The video appears to be from an SEC school, and OP also hinted with the comment “The way people dress at SEC schools is something else,” that it was more about pointing a finger at the situation, and not reveling in it.

The video was quoted to death, as making fun of a rather homogenous group of lads has never been a difficult task for netizens.


Adwait Patil

2. Alien corpses

The Meme

Did you hear the news? Aliens are real! Mexico’s Congress just heard testimony from a guy who claimed he was in possession of one-thousand-year-old extraterrestrial corpses. How is this not, like, leading all major news coverage in the world right now?

Oh — is it because these look super fake, and no one should take them seriously? Is that it?


Jared Russo

1. Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's divorce

The Meme

Recently, “Game of Thrones” actress Sophie Turner and pop star Joe Jonas announced that their four-and-a-half-year marriage was coming to an end. Reports soon emerged — based on quotes from unnamed sources, of course — that the split was due to the fact that “she likes to party, he likes to stay at home,” and that Jonas had been doing the lion’s share of care for their two children leading up to the separation.

Fans of Turner immediately smelled a rat, accusing Jonas and the sources of trying to paint Turner as a bad mother to distract from Jonas’s own behavior and the true reasons behind their impending divorce — and began writing fake news headlines to mock him.


Darcy Jimenez

And if you're hungry for more memes, here's the last edition of "The Week's Best Memes," where we reacted to an unlikely celeb couple, made fun of Burning Man revelers and waded into yet more US vs Europe discourse.


  1. John Doe 7 months ago

    I'm amazed that shirt-tuckers still exist in men under 40.

    What fraternity is this? BTK?

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