A Man Upset That Women Wear Yoga Pants To The Gym, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Man Upset That Women Wear Yoga Pants To The Gym, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
A journalist who thinks Meg White wasn't a good drummer, a scorching hot take on the recent Academy Award-winning film "EEAAO," an actor who's done with masks and more.
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Every day somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week’s characters include a guy who thinks women shouldn't wear yoga pants to the gym, a journalist with a hot take on Meg White's drumming, another hot take on an Oscar-winning film and Ben Shapiro (ugh).

There were also two characters we couldn't really dive into, like a conservative talker who couldn't define "woke" and an infamous VC who really tried to start more bank runs?


Lachlan Markay

The character: Lachlan Markay, journalist, NJ Devils fan, percussion perfectionist

The plot: Markay is one of those (blue-tick journalist), so it's up to the reader to interpret whatever he says. Markay decided to opine on the The White Stripes, who haven't released a record since 2007, and called Meg White's drumming a tragedy. What's funnier is that he was trying to dunk, via quote tweet, on a National Review article that called "Seven Nation Army" on of the best songs of the century.

The White Stripes are quite iconic, and that means Meg and Jack White by extension are also iconic individuals. Not being a fan, I get. Diminishing Meg White's drumming for what, a QT-dunk? The rumors are true. The quality of content on Twitter has diminished since the Billionaire bought it.

The repercussion: Meg White, who is presumably enjoying a life away from social media, had nothing to say, but Jack White did and so did Jack's other ex-wife, Questlove and thousands of others on the Internet.

Adwait Patil


Lake Micah

The character: Lake Micah, loves syllables, hates popular movies

The plot: Micah, a writer with with more than five accounts tagged in his Twitter bio, didn't particularly enjoy the most recent Best Picture-winner "Everything Everywhere All At Once." So right on cue, a tweet which used 44 words and 277 characters was published, calling out everyone who liked the film as sheep.

The repercussion: I wish I knew if the take gave Micah more followers, I assume that's the intention with these types, and I'd like to admit that it was a brave and bold move. However, most of the Internet isn't as zen as me. And while I didn't even finish reading the entire tweet, there were people from all over the world dunking on it.


Adwait Patil


Tilda Swinton

The character: Tilda Swinton, Academy Award-winning actress, very problematic interviewee

The plot: Having to wear masks. So cumbersome! So annoying! We’ve been doing it for years! Can’t we be done with that already?

Oh wait, it’s because we’re in a global pandemic that hasn’t ended, is still killing people and professionals put these safety protocols in place to protect the cast and crew. You know, for a good reason! How is that working out for you Tilda?

The repercussion: Oh it seems it is NOT working out for you, giving up on wearing a mask so you don’t get infected with a deadly virus and infect other people with it too.


Twitter, do what you do best: find every piece of evidence to publicly shame and insult celebrities and bring them down to earth where we shouldn’t idolize them anymore. They aren’t heroes or inspirations or idols, they’re just dumb regular people with a lot more money and good looks!

Jared Russo


Ben Shapiro

The character: Ben Shapiro, Right-wing bobble-head, overall bad guy

The plot: I am just so tired. I am tired of the pointless, needless dunking on someone who will never see nor contemplate the vitriolic criticism directed his way. There is no sense in amplifying and projecting and promoting hate speech and intentional trolling. But alas, with multiple idiotic and breathtakingly evil comments in just one week, Mr. Shapiro was the OMC seemingly every single day.

There is just no end to the stupidity. No end in sight to the madness, the cruelty, the trolling. When we think we’ve hit the bottom, it seems the world is a bottomless pit. Why is he famous? Why do we know his name? Why do we pay attention?

Why do we allow pure evil to keep winning over and over again?

The repercussion: Have at it Twitter, I’m done thinking about or talking about this feckless, spineless, toothless ghoul. An absolute monster, a moron, and the worst of humanity incarnate.

Jared Russo



The character: BigNik, loser, Christian rapper

The plot: The world can be a scary place — a lot of horrible, unjust and distressing things happen every day — and Twitter is often the place people turn to express their fear and despair at the state of things. For user @BigNik, one of the worst and most upsetting things happening right now is women being in the gym while wearing yoga pants.

For reasons I cannot fathom, he thinks “spandex and yoga pants” are things prostitutes wear. It’s giving “guy whose only experience of sex workers is in Grand Theft Auto.” Although they don’t wear yoga pants there either, and obviously there’s no such thing as a universal sex worker uniform, so honestly what the hell is he talking about? Also, please find me one strip club where they wear yoga pants. Please.

The repercussion: Women wear these items of clothing in the gym because they are comfortable and appropriate for working out. If you’re not able to focus or “work on your health” unless the women around you are draped in shapeless sweats or potato sacks, that’s a You Problem.

This is basically what people on Twitter (the well-adjusted ones, anyway) told BigNik — before he turned off the replies. So brave.

Darcy Jimenez


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which included a terrible husband, Seth Rogen, a men's rights activist and an American politician who had a bizarre take.

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].


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